"There is no chance, no destiny, no fate that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a DETERMINED soul."

The "if" in Life

There are always "ifs" in this existence we call life.  What if I sleep in that extra ten minutes?  What if I choose regular over premium?  What if I put my laundry off for one more day?

Today I seemed to think about the "if" word a lot.  Instead of the ifs about sleeping in and regular gas there are a lot of ifs in my life that I don't really know the exact out come of.  There are some days that I just wonder and worry "What if?".  Other days I am so grateful there are what if's.  Then today I just ask the cosmos WHAT IF???

And as a result I think that wondering "what if" is a small part of what makes a person turn from a teenager into an adult.  Now I am not really all that grown up and mature and such, but I do know that in High School I hardly ever thought about what ifs.  What happened just happened and I just went with the flow.  Now however I wonder what if I we don't find a new house soon?  What if I get a truck?  What if I never get married?  What if I become a writer?  What if I don't have enough time to do everything?  What if I am not smart enough to finish college?  What if I need to get a new phone because mine is having issues?  What if I take this institute class over another?  (The list could go on for pages)

Of course I don't know the answers any more now then I would have as a teen, but my wondering and pondering has made me responsible for so many aspects of my life.  It has lead me to face many more decisions head on.  Instead of thinking that all of my decisions are in the future; I now have to settle on a one choice and see what road that takes me down.

So here is to making grown up decisions and knowing that I have a Father in Heaven who will guide me when I seek his help.