September 10th, 2011 – Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat
I had been looking forward to seeing this play since about the middle of June. It seemed like everyone in this area has been, since the show was practically sold out at opening. And even though I bought tickets 3 months early we, my family, were still in the VERY back. However since Hale Centre Theater only has 9 rows it really isn’t that far back. The whole family was so excited that we were even half an hour early. And let me say, as always, Hale did not disappoint.
Part of what makes the tickets worth every penny is the atmosphere. Not only is this building awesomely beautiful, but you walk across the parking lot to the music from upcoming musicals. Then after climbing the grand staircase you enter the actual theater and feel as though you have actually entered the deserts of Canaan & Egypt with palm trees lining the walls.
As always the play started with the plug for donations, and while I am definitely in favor of keeping this theatre going and even hearing these requests I was not in favor of their new announcers. These actors were a bit too cheesy and a bit awkward. So I just hope that by the next play they have gone back to the owner making a brief statement about donations.
Being a “Joseph” greenie I only had the knowledge of what I had read and heard told from the scriptures and what I had been told – that it was not one of those serious shows. So while I, at first, had no understanding for the need of a narrator; I was intrigued by her. She made the entire crowd laugh with her comment that both teams – BYU and U of U – were up so we could all enjoy the show. And also reminded the crowd that some of the actors had been there since 8:30AM – it was 7:30PM by this time. Yeah did I mention this show has been pretty much sold out since it opened?!! As such they added extra early and late showings.
The narrator had an awesome voice and through out the entire show I was very impressed by her role. Then as Joseph entered I found him to be very believable. He too had a fantastic voice and he just played the role beautifully, by the end he was obviously tired, but after even one of those shows I would be exhausted and he had done at least two. The entire cast then entered singing “Jacob and Sons” and I was amazed that the tiny stage could hold all 25 people in this opening number.
The sets were as always just large enough to give a change of scenery, but also giving room for acting and still letting the entire room see the stage. As the brothers plotted to sell their brother an enormous camel entered the stage. And while it was mostly hilarious, I felt it was a bit creepy, and was suddenly glad I was in the very back. Another slightly disturbing scene was the interaction between Joseph and Potiphar’s wife. If I didn’t know the story I would have been a bit confused as to what was going on under the curtain, however I think everyone understood that Joseph was the good guy thrown in jail in order for Potiphar to save face.
With the intermission coming up the 2nd to last song of the first half was “Close Every Door.” I was enthralled!! Not only was this song performed exquisitely, but the message of it was so beautiful. I felt so connected to the real Joseph, son of Israel, son of Issac, son of Abraham. A feeling inside reminded me that I am one of those “Children of Israel” who has promises from God and as my feelings grew a tear or two left my eyes. How wonderful it is to be reminded of those things in every day life.
While I was still in amazement of what my brother called “the only serious song in the entire play” I did not understand the random performance of “Go, go Joseph.” However like everything else it was grand!
Even though BYU had now lost their game I was excited for the show to go on after intermission, which was also harshly interrupted by the white chocolate macadamia nut cookies being really hard and not as good as they have been in the past.
The next half of the play was continually true to the events from the bible as Joseph explains the dreams of a butler and a baker and then the Pharaoh. Ah the Pharaoh…yeah, lets just say I am not a huge Elvis fan and I think his part was a bit strange, but I laughed along, and again felt grateful for my back row seat as he said “hey baby,” one too many times and threw a sweaty blue scarf thing into the audience.
As the famine hits and Joseph’s brothers reflect on those “good old Canaan days” I wondered if this music was the depths of silliness or genius, and decided it had to be both, and that Andrew Lloyd Weber was inspired and crazy – as most brilliant people are. I also wondered if the real Joseph ever thought of just up and leaving and returning to Canaan now that he was free from jail – maybe they would have never been enslaved by Egypt if he had.
Anyways – the story finishes brilliantly as Joseph plays a trick on his brothers, who have been at his feet groveling, to discover if they have become better since they sold him and he reveals himself to be their dreamer of a brother. With happy ending all in place I was set for a final number. However with the stage emptied to just Joseph who begins to sing “Close Every Door” I was a bit confused, but it was a pleasant surprise, which rolled into a high energy finish of a medley of many of the songs with a now all white costumed cast – including Joseph in a truly “amazing technicolor dream coat” which was white and had lights that changed color and every cast member wearing something to indicate which parts they had played – again it was BRILLIANT!
The crowd was practically all standing as they clapped as the cast waved and as the moment was over all I could think was – that was AMAZING!
I hope you have enjoyed my theatre review. If you have the chance I would recommend this show to everyone, so GO!
PS – Hope this was a great birthday Mom!