"There is no chance, no destiny, no fate that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a DETERMINED soul."


During testimony meeting yesterday I heard life compared to two different things.

The first one was a highway.  So of course I kind of thought - oh how cliche!  (Even though I love the idea of life being like a highway and its many implications.)  However this young women went on saying life is like a dark highway that twists and turns and all you can see is what is illuminated in your headlights.

So while we only have this pinprick of a point of view of the world and life, Heavenly Father sees it all and he can direct us and guide us to the right paths.  I had never thought of it that way.

The other things was a zip line.

The girl who said this comparison talked about how when you get on a zip line you see this harness and this one line and you can not believe it is going to hold you up.  You stand at the top looking practically straight down and all you can think is the rope is going to break and I am going to die.  Then after being strapped in you take that leap of FAITH and like Heavenly Father always does when we use our faith the line catches you and takes you on the most amazing journey!

Life is awesome!  Mine is of course not perfect, but its not supposed to be.  However I KNOW that I can be perfected through the atonement of Christ, and that He will guide me down my highways and lift me through out my journeys.

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