"There is no chance, no destiny, no fate that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a DETERMINED soul."

Thunderstorms in July

There's something about Utah rain.  It smells completely different than any other rain that I have ever experienced; a sweet combination of must, salt and wetness that saturates the air.  In the summer it usually comes in the form of thunderstorms consisting mostly of cool breezes, lightning and thunder, and brief moments of giant rain drops that wet everything and then stops.  It makes for perfect conditions to sit outside and just be a part of the weather.

"I still go out there sometimes.  I see those big thunderheads rollin' in. It's like a religion" - Jake, Sweet Home Alabama

1 comment:

  1. I love this description on Utah rain! I miss it terribly... I hope you and your family are all well.
